Friday, December 4, 2009

Cambodia is breaking me.

Not really. But there were a few significant events this past week that were just ridiculous, maddenning, hillarious, or some other extreme emotion.

#1) This week I was told I am fat for the first time in my life. I don't think I have actually gained weight here, and if I have, not much. But the other day I was sitting minding my own business eating breakfast when my host brother walked over pointed at my stomach and informed me that I had gotten fat after only 2 months here and would behuge by the end of two years. Thanks Cambodia.

#2) Yesterday I was walking down to take a shower when I get hit in the face with a bat. The animal not the sporting equipment. Thanks Cambodia.

#3) While in class earlier this week I got a phone call from an unknown number. I answered it. It was a strange man. I said "who is this." He said "I am the monk." I do not know how a monk got my phone number, but now he has it and is texting me often. I might go hang with him at a pagoda this weekend. We shall see. This brings me to the text of the week (just for you dad, since you requested that this blog feature continue):

"Hi ! Nice 2 meet u again ! Hope 2 see you anyday. ok? Because, I 1 2 make friendship with u. Because u a good person. The old wood is the best 2 burn, the old book is the best 2 read, The old wine is the best 2 drink, The old friend is the best 2 keep 4ever... G.Luck 4 U....OK....And successfully in ur life."

Seems like the kind of text one should get from a monk they have never met right? Right. Thanks Cambodia.


  1. Hmmmm....mysterious Monk texts. You are a special girl...LOL.

    The bat...that would completely freak me out. I hope you have no bat face injuries.

    LOL..somehow I just can't see you getting huge anytime soon but maybe he was paying Cambodia a compliment on the food and their ability to feed you better than your American family did?? LOL

    We love you Honey!


  2. Bat face! I like it. New nickname. Im keeping it.

  3. I am not sure what just happened there...hahaha. Anyways what i had ment to say was these things would only happen to you. haha. : )

  4. Hi Meghan!

    I have never known anyone before who had a bat fly into their face. Eeeuuu! Now that’s an experience you will remember. And you are NOT fat. Sounds like your host brother is acting like a real brother wouldact. My brother always told me I was fat and I wasn’t-not back then anyway :)
    Just learn to call him “Butthead” in Khmer and that’ll fix him! Always was my first line of defence. Although that may translate sortof strangly!
