Saturday, September 26, 2009

It is official

Our K3 group swore in yesterday making us all official Peace Corps Volunteers. Tomorrow we all leave for permanent site to begin our 2 year service. I will write more when I am able to collect my thoughts!


  1. Very proud of you Honey! Can't wait to hear about the next step of your journey!
    We love you!

  2. Meghan,
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) No limits but the sky, right? You look so happy in this picture! Every day will be an opportunity for a new learning experience and I wish you much success and happiness at your permanent assignment. I look forward to your next post. Prayers sent to you, as always!

  3. Hi Meghan,

    Congrats to you!!!!! I'm so very proud of you and all you are doing. Such a journey you are taking and love being able to read about your adventures. I love you, Auntie Laura
