Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I don’t even know where to start, it’s been so long since I last wrote and the last month has been so eventful. I suppose I will begin with saying that I now have internet at site and so, hopefully, will not have this problem in future! Prepare to hear from me a lot more often.

Liv got here on the 16th and was able to spend some time with me at my site before heading to Phnom Penh to pick up Ryan and celebrate Christmas. This was eventful for a number of reasons. First, Liv came to school with me one day and met my students. We did a Q and A session with her and she received some excellent inquiries. My favorites were:

1)Why is your hair different (from mine)?
2)Why are your eyes brown?
3)Student: “what is your religion?”
Olivia: “I don’t have one”
Student: “Oh, how do you feel when you are alone?”
Olivia: “I feel fine. I like to be alone sometimes.”
Student: “Do you ever cry out to God at night?”
Olivia: ______________________________

I might have to give a simple genetics lesson in future. We also had karaoke time, something that tends to happen on any special or not so special occasion at school.

In addition to having Olivia at site, we also had some other house guests. My Yays have a brother who moved to France during/after/because of the Khmer Rouge. He married a French woman, and they have 3 French/Khmer children (same ages as me and my siblings). They came to visit my host family for a week and a half in December. The preparations began months ago. Everytime I left for a while I would come home to some new addition, framed photos on the walls, new curtains, floor mats, mattresses, etc… It was a lot of fun getting to hang out with them (as they spoke some English and come from a culture much more similar to my own) but also kind of bizarre as they did not speak Khmer. There is nothing in my life experience that can relate to having family who I have only met a couple of times and with whom I am unable to communicate. There were several excellent Foo moments during this trip. I love him, but he is becoming a bit of a terror. His offences during those few days included: hitting me in the nose with an electric mosquito racket, punching me in the chest, picking his nose and wiping it on my arm, and punching me HARD in the mouth (he was aiming for his twin sister who was sitting in my lap). Liv and I joined the French fam for dinner one night and I drank a beer, something I rarely do at site. While we were sitting there I hear Foo yelling “CHER, LOOK!” so I turned around and there was Foo and his sister holding beer bottles and cheers-ing, they then romped on over to cheers with me. I was mortified until I saw the girls refilling the bottles with tea…then it was just funny.

Christmas was pretty low key. There were a lot of Peace Corps volunteers in Phnom Penh for the holidays so Liv and I went out to dinner with some of my friends then out dancing later. Christmas day we just lounged by the pool and then went to dinner for another friend’s birthday. Ry sadly could not get a flight in until late Christmas night. Once he joined us though we did some lounging, some shopping, and got some photos taken.

For new years we went down to the beach where we ate, drank, danced, and greeted the New Year by running into the ocean during a fireworks show. Not a bad way to ring in 2011. I suppose this is the part where I talk about my resolutions for this year. So, here goes:
In 2011 I hope to:
1)It has occurred to me in the last year and half how much pressure I put on myself as a result of my culture, my academic background, my religious affiliation and community, etc… As someone who strives to be open minded, loving, and forgiving, it’s alarming to realize how closed minded, unloving, and unforgiving I often am toward myself. So in 2011, preparing to get back into the fast paced, competitive, academic, western world, I am going to strive to be kind to and patient with myself.

2)We learn many behaviors, coping mechanisms, and communication styles, for our families, friends, and communities at large. One that I have been coming to terms with is my tendency to present hurt as anger. Acknowledging when other peoples’ words or actions are hurtful creates vulnerability and it is easier to react with anger or feigned indifference. Neither of these responses show love. Angry reactions reconcile nothing and acting like you don’t care when you do is a coward’s cop out. This year I am going to strive to call a spade a spade.

3)Blog more than once a month!

Lots of love to everyone back home! Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Honey,

    Thanks for the update. It took me until the age of 40 to start working on your first resolution. I am still working on the 2nd. Good luck with those and I'm so glad you recognize the need at 23!
    Happy you and your siblings were able to be together over the holidays. We sure missed all of you but again, happy you were together!
    Tell Foo your Mom says to stop hitting!
    We love you!
